
The Legal Quick Scan 

Your documents in order

Within your organization, various legal documents circulate daily – from employment contract to license and NDA. But is your company's intellectual property contractually well regulated in these documents­? With the Legal Quick Scan we can assess this for you quickly and at a fixed rate.

If your company's intellectual property (IP) is underexposed in a legal document, it is not without risk. Your trade secrets may be out in the open or discussions may arise about (ownership of) IP rights.

Up against the light

Annelies de Bosch Kemper-de Hilster, lawyer at V.O.: "In the Legal Quick Scan, we scrutinize one or more legal documents. For example, the IP paragraph in general sales and delivery terms and conditions or in an employment contract, or the standard non-disclosure agreement (NDA). Among other things, my colleague Ernst van Knobelsdorff and I look at what agreements have been made regarding the protection of innovations. And a cooperation agreement relating to IP or a research and development (R&D) agreement should at least contain agreements on the use of IP rights during and after the cooperation or development."

"The scan revealed surprising things I hadn't immediately thought of. It's nice that now everything has been adjusted in a consistent way."

Choice of a single or broad Quick Scan

V.O. has developed two forms of the Quick Scan: a single one for one document and a broad one for multiple documents. We offer both scans at a flat rate.

Single Quick Scan €700

✔ Review of one legal document of your choice

✔ Adjustments and suggestions named directly

Broad Quick Scan €2.700

✔ Review of six legal documents of your choice
✔ Reporting which documents need to be modified
✔ Includes quote for modifications

Do you want to know if everything about IP in your legal documents is properly regulated? Then request the Quick Scan via

Do you want to know more about this topic?


Annelies de Bosch Kemper-de Hilster

+31 70 338 52 65

Or contact:

Ernst van Knobelsdorff

+31 70 416 67 42



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